
A Serious Man

Have you seen it? If not, I really do recommend it. But I gotta warn you, this post will probably ruin it. Still readin'? Alright, here we go..

So the film centers on the life of this man whose life is just all going wrong (professionally, maritally, etc.). The film itself was inspired by the life of Job. So as these things are happening, the protagonist goes through the motions of dealing with all this stuff and in the process he visits this one rabbi. The conversation they had went like this..

Rabbi Nachtner: These questions that are bothering you, Larry. Maybe they're like a toothache. You feel them for a while then they go away.
Larry: I don't want it to just go away. I want an answer.
Rabbi Nachtner: Sure, we all want the answer. Hashem doesn't owe us the answer, Larry. Hashem doesn't owe us anything. The obligation runs the other way.
Larry: Why does he make us feel the questions if he's not going to give us the answers?
Rabbi Nachtner: He hasn't told me.

It's not that I myself am going through professional or marital difficulties but when I do hit those rough spots, I just don't really know how I should respond. I guess I'm starting to be able to deal with them better nowadays but the film itself still stood out to me. But, there is more. That actually isn't even the part that stood the most out to me.

So, finally someone in the film breaks down, but it's not the protagonist. It's actually his brother, whom is seen throughout the movie. He's clearly going through things of his own but the film doesn't really focus on his character or struggles all too much. It's meaningful because all this time I found myself empathizing with the main character all the while neglecting someone who, in all fairness, probably had it a lot worse in general than the protagonist. I mean looking at my own life, God has really blessed me abundantly. Maybe, then, I dwell on myself a little too much and forget to see the others around me. I mean, sure, maybe there are imperfections in my own life but, relatively, my life is going wonderfully. Should these little things really distract me so much? There are so many other things in this world that should cause outrage than some of the more mundane matters of daily life.

Well, though I suppose these things aren't totally novel ideas, it was a nice reminder. A reminder that rough spots are an inevitability of the human condition. I don't know why. Really, probably no one does. No one in that film knew, not even the guy who wrote Ecclesiastes gives any definite answer (and that guy's canon..).